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Floss Guide: An Introduction

Floss Guide: An Introduction

What is a floss guide? Floss guides are a visual representation of the called-for flosses of a cross stitch chart.

Why are they helpful? You can clearly see the color and name/number of the floss called-for on each guide. This makes finding flosses a lot easier. It also makes it much quicker to substitute flosses for other overdyes or DMC brands.

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Brave Girl Soul School Truth Cards

Brave Girl Soul School Truth Cards

You can still be creative with only a handful of minutes to spare. Start small and work up to larger projects. Sometimes it is easier to make embellishments instead. Whatever the project, just start and that creative ball will keep rolling,

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I am passionate about being creative and learning new things each and every day.  For years I suffered with procrastinating perfectionist syndrome which left me paralyzed from even starting any creative project. If you feel the same, my hope is to inspire you to ditch that fear of getting started and create some MAYHEM!